Trip to Cape Cod
I went to visit a good friend for a four days at Cape Cod, MA. I enjoyed every minute! We painted, sketched, photographed, and relaxed. These are watercolors I created while on my trip.
I went to visit a good friend for a four days at Cape Cod, MA. I enjoyed every minute! We painted, sketched, photographed, and relaxed. These are watercolors I created while on my trip.
I really had fun creating these little houses for the challenge! All artists should have a happy wonderful place to create their art. A home / studio that is comfortable & safe, where there is laughter, love, respect and trust and a place to call an artists’ home for new beginings in all creative
ClothPaperScissors “Home Sweet Home” Reader Challenge Read More »
My brother & his wife had a beautiful baby boy on May 9th. They are learning the ways of new parents that the child rules the sleeping habits.
Just begining to post on blogger and hope to have some interesting art; mixed media, illustrations and photography to show very soon. Please, send me a photo of what you are working on or inspired by so we can join together and create wonderful art.